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welcome to the lush darkness

your internal journey into the world of the feminine body

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hi, sis!

I am currently coming back out of my own journey into the feminine darkness, and am rebirthing myself as we speak!

while I, and my website, are under construction, please take a peek at what is currently alive and available here.

in the time-being, drop your email and grab your free identity funeral ritual to support you in evolving into your next level of divine magnetism.

you got this too, sis, and I'll be back with you soon <3

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Your next-level self awaits...

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let's journey together


1:1 Coaching

A 3 month 1:1 program for my sisters ready to commit to their internal navigation. From healing the mind-body disconnect and reclaiming our sexual power and energy, to unpacking the shadow and restoring the divine feminine energy within, this is a container for my sisters who are ready to befriend and transform their own darkness.



We believe that exploration invites the deepest, most exotic layers of our feminine richness to come to life. With new challenges amongst nature comes expansive conversation, self-clarity and connection with not only ourselves, but our adventure partners as well. We deeply believe that best way to understand the world around us is to get all up in it... literally. This brings us to refresh our understanding of our own deep ecology and self-identity, while harnessing a life packed full of wicked, wild experiences.


Distance Reiki Healing

Healing in the privacy + comfort of your home. These 1-hour reiki healing sessions are done over the phone and include a guided meditation, full body activation, chakra cleansing and optional post-healing consultation. Great for womb healing, stabilizing the nervous system, soothing emotional, mental and physical pain + deepening your connection to Source.

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I have been working with Olivia for about a year now. She’s guided me to answer the big question for myself of “what do I really want to do?”

She’s taught me how to check in with myself and really tune into the frequency of my heart’s desires.

Olivia held space and gave me the loving support I needed to step into my truth and make moves. I’ve completed a yoga teacher training, enrolled in my dream Ayurveda course, and felt more empowered to speak my truth and take action.

Working with Olivia, I truly feel like I can be successful doing things I’m passionate about, rather than sticking to a “comfortable” job where I am unhappy and unsatisfied.

I’ve been able to re-write my stories of “I’m not good enough” and “I don’t know”— which has allowed me to step into an empowered journey of self-development.

I am so grateful to have Olivia as my mentor as I continue to grow and take up space as an empowered woman. 

1:1 Client

The hours I have spent working with Olivia have been both deeply comforting and incredibly honest. By honest I mean— kind of a much-needed wake up call.

She has a way of reflecting you that is both truthful and empowering.

She has helped me rewrite some of my internal scripts around empowerment and confidence by stripping away the aggressive language and replacing it with self-compassion.

With her, I’ve developed stronger communication skills within my close relationships (romantic and platonic) and a deeper sense of self-connection that supports my efforts to show and give love to those around me.

She has also helped me understand how my habits are choices and how they ultimately affect my health and self-esteem.

I find more time for real self-care through exercise, nutrition, meditation, yoga, and general health needs. 

Finally, she has held my hand through the very beginning of what I thought would be a terrifying journey into my own mind, and shown me how beautiful and gentle it can be in there, after all. These hours have been a true blessing.

1:1 Client

From the moment Olivia and I started speaking to one another her energy was contagious. I felt this immediate connection with Olivia, as if I knew her from another lifetime. Feeling so many feelings of anxiety and sadness, it was time for me to reach out to Olivia for some distanced Reiki. Olivia, thank you for creating such a comfortable and loving and most importantly a supportive space. I could feel the transfer of stagnant energy flow and release immediately as we started our session. You provided me with exactly what I needed. Your soft feminine energy immediately softened my fears and anxieties. Thank you for checking in on me and having the time to discuss what you felt during and after our session. You’re truly so gifted. I look forward to our next session. So much love to you.

Reiki Client

My Work Your Wild: Raw & Radiant Maui trip was B E Y O N D. Beyond my wildest dreams, exceeded all of my expectations and has me left feeling completely fulfilled and mourning the end of this experience. It was the best choice I've ever made for myself. I was scared of travelling alone, of the investment, and to live with *strangers* for 1 week; so much unknown.. right? But sometimes, that is exactly when the magic happens! And for me, it did! Every part of the journey was amazing – from the nutritious meals, to all of our expeditions, our sacred times together as a group, the balance of quiet down time, having a photographer to capture you in all your glory... all this amongst a truly amazing, powerful group of goddesses... what more could you ask for?! Olivia and Anna-Marie were so thoughtful in the preparation of this experience, they truly are so loving and welcoming. I could go on, but I’ll just say this.. if you needed a sign to say yes, this is it. Go for it!

Retreat Guest

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